D.1 Scope. This appendix contains the abstract for the conforming MIL-STD-2361 Doctrine Publications Document Type Defnition (DTD) and Formal Public Identifer (FPI) for its sub-elements. This appendix is a mandatory part of this standard. The information contained herein is intended for compliance. The MIL-STD-2361 DTDs shall be obtained from the Army SGML/XML Registry and Library (ASRL) by
the following means:
a. World Wide Web (WWW): ASRL homepage Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
b. U.S. Mail: Requested fles will be mailed on CD-ROM. Requests may be submitted as follows: (1) Written request:
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D.1.1 Application. Data prepared in conformance with the requirements set forth in this standard will facilitate the automated storage, retrieval, interchange, and processing of doctrine publications from multiple and different sources, and allow the reuse of common data among multiple products and on different media. The DTD contained in this appendix shall be prepared in accordance with this standard and TRADOC Reg 25-36.
D.1.2 Conformance. The conforming FMML DTD contained in this standard was developed by rigidly interpreting the structure, content, and style requirements of the functional requirements document TRADOC Reg 25-36, and are a logical extension of the requirements contained in MIL-PRF-28001. Doctrine publications preparers, and any other users of the doctrine DTD, SGML tags, tag descriptions and SGML text entities, shall not deviate from the structure, content, or style requirements of these standards. The doctrine publications DTD, SGML tags, tag descriptions and SGML text entities may be obtained through the ASRL as described in the above paragraph D.1.
D.2 Applicable Documents. Refer to Section 2.
D.3 Doctrine Publications Document Type Defnition (DTD).
D.3.1 Field Manual Markup Language (FMML). This standard includes instructions for the development of front, body, and rear matter information for Field Manuals (FM). The DTD also allows development
and output of selected parts of a FM.
D.3.1.1 Abstract. This FMML DTD describes the SGML structure tagging conventions found in MIL-STD-2361 for U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC) feld manuals. FMs are Department of the Army (DA) publications that describe Army doctrine and tactics. FMs also implement ratifed international standardization agreements. They are normally the basis for development of training materials.
This standard includes instructions for the development of front, body, and rear matter information for Field
Manuals (FM). The DTD also allows development and output of selected parts of a FM. Distribution Statement A: Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.
D.3.1.2 Document Type Defnition (DTD). The formal public identifer for the FMML DTD is
"-//DOD-USA//DTD FMML REV 4.0 20000515//EN". See paragraph D.1 for information regarding how to obtain the FMML DTD.
D.3.1.3 Elements. The formal public identifer for the FM fm_common.ent elements is
"-//DOD-USA//ELEMENTS Doctrine Content Tags REV 4.0 20000515//EN".
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